Monday, 20 January 2014

Paul Siwela interview with Lance Guma

Former Mthwakazi Liberation Front (MLF) leader Paul Siwela, who is facing treason charges for allegedly advocating the violent overthrow of President Robert Mugabe’s regime, speaks to Nehanda Radio Managing Editor Lance Guma.

Nehanda Radio speaks to Paul Siwela
Lance Guma: Its being reported you have skipped the country in fear for your life and that there is a squad of people who have been assigned to kill you?

Siwela: Yes its true and on record too. The same government that preferred some treason charges against me is the same government that wants to assassinate me.

Guma: Some are claiming you have run away because the judgment was about to be passed and you did not fancy your chances of getting a fair judgment?

Siwela: I did not run away from the court case but assassination plot. The time I left the country it was not known when the High Court was going to sit, besides I immediately informed the authorities about my departure through the letter which is a court record now. So does that appear I was running away?

Given the situation I was in after reporting the assassination plot to the Zimbabwe Republic Police which was unsuccessful and sought protection which was denied what was I supposed to do?

Guma: Does this mean you will now be in exile until this regime is out of power?

Siwela: Time will tell

Guma: For those who are unaware of what you stand for politically, could you maybe remind us the ideals which you are fighting for?

Siwela: I am the leader of Matabeleland Liberation Organisation i.e. MLO which is fighting for the restoration of Matabeleland Statehood which was destroyed by the British colonial forces on 3 November 1893 and involuntarily joined Matabeleland with Mashonaland which had been colonised on 13 September 1890 to form Rhodesia the latter day Zimbabwe.

Remember Zimbabwe never existed before until 18 April 1980. The nation of Matabeleland has suffered genocide and gross human rights abuses since the day they lost their statehood up to date.

Zimbabwe is an apartheid state which discriminates people on ethnic and racial consideration and is a failed state given its human rights record, high appetite for corruption, genocide, huge and growing debt currently standing at US$11billion dollars and bad international reputation.

We are fighting for a democratic and independent Republic of Matabeleland which would be constitutional democracy where all its citizens shall be equal before the law with equal opportunities and obligations to the State and enjoy greater freedoms and better quality of life than in Zimbabwe.

Once again put a smile on the nation of Matabeleland which is diverse in its character. Discrimination of anyone on grounds of race or ethnicity shall be outlawed and be punishable.

Guma: What’s the status of your relationship with the Mthwakazi Liberation Front? What happened?

Siwela: You would be aware that I resigned from MLF over policy differences.

Guma: Some have branded you a divisive figure and claim your efforts to split the country to create the state of Mthwakazi is a breeding ground for tribalism and will only help Mugabe’s regime stay in power through divide and rule.

Siwela: Perhaps we would be in a better position to answer your question better if you define to us what is tribalism?

Guma: In this case the promotion of the interests of one tribal grouping at the expense or exclusion of another?

Siwela: Which tribal group interest is being promoted at the expense of the other? Ndebele people are not in authority cannot exercise discrimination of anyone anywhere in Zimbabwe. Discrimination can only be done and effected by people in power so how can Ndebele people discriminate anyone?

You would be aware that the departure of President Robert Mugabe will not change anything in so far as the oppression of the Matebele Nation. It would continue as is because of political leaders of Zimbabwe believe in discriminating the Matebele nation in its diversity.

Matebele nation does not want to be ruled better by anyone from Zimbabwe but wants to rule themselves and be free from battered image and crippling debt which can not be accounted for by the Zimbabwean politicians.

Interestingly, journalists in Zimbabwe are all concerned about future perceived Shona speaking people being discriminated in the future Republic of Matabeleland yet they are mute about the discrimination that Matebele people suffer on a daily basis under a Shona leader since 1980.

All public and private institutions don’t allow Matebele people to be employed and grow to be influential in those organizations and Zimbabwean journalists, the clergy and human rights groups headed by Shona people don’t see anything wrong with Matebele people being abused and discriminated.

Take our treason case in point the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights refused to represent us because they did not see us as Zimbabweans and did not care about our human rights and welfare.

Someone was recently killed for speaking Ndebele language and the media and Zimbabwe human rights organizations are silent about this as if nothing happened. I left the country fearing assassination attempt and the Zimbabwe human rights are mute over it.

No prominent Shona clergy has come to defend us or condemn the Zimbabwe government for gross abuse of our rights. So who is a tribalist? I wish to assure all our citizens in the future Republic of Matabeleland that NO ONE including Shona people would be discriminated on account of ethnicity, that would not be tolerated. It would be a punishable offence. We have to show our Zimbabwean neighbor what it ought to be to built and govern a nation.

Secondly our agenda is to restore our statehood which we lost on 3 November 1893 and we are sure the people of Zimbabwe have the capacity to have Mugabe in power if they choose that or remove him at their time of choosing.

It is their prerogative and Matebeles have no business in Zimbabwean affairs. We would remind you that the departure of Mugabe does not deliver Matebeles from servitude and restore our Statehood.

All Zimbabwean politicians have rejected federalism and thus Ndebeles have no other alternative but to restore their Statehood.

We would like to inform the people of Mashonaland aka Zimbabwe that we don’t need an inch of Zimbabwe and we shall respect Zimbabwe as our neighbour and live in peace with Zimbabwe and co operate with Zimbabwe in many areas of mutual interest. We shall conduct trade with Zimbabwe and enjoy diplomatic relations with it.

Guma: Who are the Matebeles?

Siwela: The Republic of Matabeleland shall have its citizens made up of the following major ethnic groups; Asiatics, Chewa, Coloured, Dombe Kalanga, Lozi, Nambyia, Ndebele, Tonga, Sotho, Shona, Xhosa, Venda, White, Zulu all being equal before the constitution and having equal obligations and opportunities and enjoying equal protection from the Republic. All these ethnic groups shall form the Matebele nation.

Guma: Some will say you have correctly identified some of the problems with the way Mugabe’s regime has run the country but your proposed solutions do not address the fundamentals in that there are other regions of the country that have been marginalized and not just Matabeleland?

Siwela: Our proposed solution is the best and will eventually indicate which country is better managed than the other. Our situation will be similar to that of South Korea and North Korea. The Republic of Matabeleland shall be the South Korea and Zimbabwe shall be the North Korea if they continue with their discriminatory policies, high appetite for corruption and lack of accountability, impunity and gross abuse of human rights and genocide.

Guma: MDC (Ncube) Bulawayo spokesperson Edwin Ndlovu described you as a “confused politician who has jumped from one political party to the other in search of position to no avail”. What’s you response to that?

Siwela: Edwin Ndlovu as a reference person in your above statement is a novice in politics whose his views have no effect on the political arena.

For the record one has to know what our political principle and trajectory was. We never changed our political principle or trajectory. For the record, we began as Zapu when we were advocating for federalism and later changed our name to be Zapu Federal Party to reflect our politics of advocating for federalism.

Later, we realised the name Zimbabwe was unsuitable and did not represent our aspiration more so after the Zimbabwean people had rejected FEDERALISM in favour of a unitary and discriminatory form of governance and formed MLF which on the legal advice and our litigation warfare programme necessitated the change to Matabeleland Liberation Organisation i.e. MLO.

Guma: Ndlovu also says “Siwela has done nothing for the people of Matabeleland except making noise. It’s high time he stopped talking and do something for the people. We are tired of people who complain without giving.” Your response?

Siwela: You seem to elevate Edwin Ndlovu to a status of reference point, a status he does not have in Matabeleland politics and would not want dignify your question.

Guma: Are you not shooting the messenger because you do not like the message? Ndlovu aside then, any other Zimbabwean who asks you “what have you done for the people of Matabaleleland?’ what’s your answer?

Siwela: Many would be aware we have stood for the interest of the people of Matabeleland and have suffered many times through arrest, torture, insults and abuse so that Matebele people can also be free and enjoy life here on earth.

One would wonder if there is anything bigger than having and enjoying freedom and an environment to pursue your own goals of happiness and success without impediments of discrimination.

This is what we have suffered for and continue to suffer for and hope to achieve in our life time and its our contribution to the freedom and independence of the people of Matabeleland in their diversity Edwin Ndlovu included.

Nothing happens by accident in politics. The cosmetic and minor changes which are replete in Zimbabwe is a result of our contribution. Does that count for Nothing?

Aliqunywe Mthwakazi...........

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